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How we source energy

Broken Hill Solar Plant

With one of the highest levels of solar radiation in NSW, Broken Hill is an ideal location for solar energy.

Image courtesy of Tilt Renewables

Aerial view of Broken Hill Solar Plant

On an annual basis, the Broken Hill Solar Plant produces enough electricity to meet the needs of approximately 23,000 average Australian homes.

Broken Hill Solar Plant was one of two large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants delivered by AGL in 2015, jointly funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the NSW Government.

The 53 MW solar plant generates approximately 126,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable electricity each year.


Broken Hill has one of the highest levels of solar radiation in NSW, making it an ideal location for a solar plant. Plus, with a large local population and several industrial sites nearby, there is significant demand for electrical power in the region.

The site sits about 5 km southwest of the Broken Hill township, adjacent to Willyama Common. An existing substation is nearby, enabling relatively efficient connection into the electrical grid.

The solar plant occupies approximately 140 hectares of Crown Land bounded by the Barrier Highway to the north and the Peterborough-Broken Hill rail line to the south.

Broken Hill Solar Plant map (PDF)

Sale to Tilt Renewables

AGL reached financial close on the sale of Broken Hill Solar Plant to Tilt Renewables in November, 2016.

Operational Transition from AGL to Tilt Renewables

AGL handed over direct operation of Broken Hill Solar Plant to Tilt in July 2024. AGL will continue to purchase all the output from Broken Hill Solar Plant under an existing Power Purchase Agreement.

Community complaints and enquiries

AGL understands that we don’t always get it right, and we want to be informed when we don’t. If you would like to provide any feedback, good or bad, or simply ask some questions, please feel free to get in touch via the following channels:

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Complaints and Enquiries Hotline

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AGL Community Complaints & Enquiries,
Locked Bag 14120 MCMC,
Melbourne VIC 8001

Learn more  about how we handle general customer complaints on our complaints page.