Read AGL's Court approves convening of Scheme Meeting notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL's Presentation to Macquarie Australia Conference notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read Notice of initial substantial holder which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL's AGL to partner with Global Infrastructure Partners to establish $2 billion Energy Transition Investment Partnership (ETIP) notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL's Response to substantial holding notice lodged by Galipea Partnership notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL's Shareholder letter in relation to AGL Energy’s proposed demerger notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL's Updated FY22 Guidance notice which was recently released to the ASX.
Read AGL’s AGL to acquire Energy360, offering innovative and sustainable energy solutions media release.
Read AGL’s AGL and Nu-Rock sign MOU to investigate feasibility of repurposing coal ash media release.
Read AGL's Loy Yang A Unit 2 Generator Fault notice which was recently released to the ASX.