AGL Energy (AGL) was today awarded a Gold tier employer ranking at the 2017 Australian LGBTI Inclusion Awards in recognition for its commitment in fostering equality and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transg...
For AGL Loy Yang’s Shane Mitchell knowing AGL had a program that supported inclusiveness and diversity in the work place was very important when he started working at the energy company. A senior Comm...
Attached is AGL's ASX release: Daily share buy-back notice. About AGL AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emiss...
Attached is AGL's ASX release: Daily share buy-back notice. About AGL AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emiss...
Attached is AGL's ASX release: Daily share buy-back notice. About AGL AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emiss...
AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes local residents to attend the Coopers Gap Wind Farm Community Consultative Committee (CCC) meeting at the Cooranga North Memorial Hall, from 1pm today.
Attached is AGL's ASX release: Daily share buy-back notice. About AGL AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emiss...
AGL Energy (AGL) congratulates the Gloucester community for securing $8.3 million to upgrade the Bucketts Way and associated road transport infrastructure. On Monday 8 May NSW Minister for Roads, Mari...
Attached is AGL's ASX release: Daily share buy-back notice. About AGL AGL is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies. It is taking action to responsibly reduce its greenhouse gas emiss...
AGL Energy (AGL) acknowledges the Fair Work Commission’s granting of the Victorian Government’s application under Section 424 of the Fair Work Act to terminate the Electrical Trades Union’s (ETU’s) pl...