About Vanessa
Non-Executive Director since 1 March 2022
Vanessa has strong commercial, financial, project development, and strategy experience gained over 20 years, working across the energy, water, and sustainability sectors. This includes as a Climate Change Leader and Utilities Leader at EY and undertaking significant energy market reforms across the supply chain whilst at Queensland Treasury Corporation. Vanessa has previously held non-executive director roles with Eco Markets Australia, the Smart Energy Council, Essential Energy, Sunwater and Niche Environment and Heritage, and as an independent member of the Ministerial Energy Council Hydrogen Development sub-committee.
Current Directorships
- Chair of Centacare's Advisory Board (a Not For Profit disability and family services provider)
- Director of Port of Townsville
- Non-executive Member of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Board
- Member of a Griffith University Business School Advisory Board.
Former Directorships over past 3 years: Nil