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Carbon Neutral 

When your business chooses Carbon Neutral, we’ll purchase and retire carbon credits equal to the greenhouse gas emissions from the gas and electricity products we deliver for your business.

These carbon credits meet the requirements of Climate Active, an Australian Government initiative.

A female retail worker using a tablet device Carbon Neutral

Carbon offsetting

Carbon offsetting means for every unit of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the delivery of your product, we’ll buy and retire offset units.

A man on a phone call looking out the window at greenery

Scope 1,2 & 3

Solutions to meet your scope 1,2 and 3 requirements.

Direct emissions

Sources of greenhouse gas emissions owned or controlled by your business such as on site combustion of natural gas or fuel emissions from vehicle use.

Indirect emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of energy such as grid sourced electricity.  

Indirect emissions

Emissions resulting from activities and assets not owned or controlled by a business, but indirectly attributed to a business in its value chain. For example, emissions embodied in activities related to the supply, install and maintenance of a solar system.

Climate Active certification

Climate Active is an ongoing partnership between Australian businesses and the Commonwealth government. The Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard sets the requirements that must be met for an offset unit to be eligible for use as part of a carbon neutral claim. 1 offset = 1 tonne of greenhouse gases (CO2e). Scheme participants meet the requirements of Climate Active certification.

Climate Active Network Member logo Climate Active is an ongoing partnership between Australian businesses and the Commonwealth government

Find the right solution

Talk to our team about Carbon Neutral  for your business

Net Zero for Business Podcast host, Taylor Hawkins, sitting at a desk with a laptop and microphone.

The Net Zero Path Podcast

A six-part series of conversations with experts and businesses, diving into some of the available solutions.