Connect a home phone

Learn how to get an AGL Home Phone connected on the nbn® network.

Get a home phone plan on the nbn network

You're able to get a home phone service on the nbn network, however it's not required. The nbn network uses VoIP technology (Voice over IP) to provide the home phone services and if you're coming from another provider, you can request to keep the same number.

Since a home phone using VoIP must be plugged into the power, if the power fails, you’ll need to use a mobile phone to make or receive calls, including for calling emergency service numbers (e.g. 000). For Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) connections, you may have the option to install a battery back-up power supply unit which will provide emergency power for up to 5 hours. A battery backup unit won’t power any cordless phones or phones that require external power. You can learn more on Connect and Move to the NBN Network.

You can order an AGL Home Phone with your Internet service online on nbn Plans.

Home phone service features on the nbn network

We offer a range of service features for your AGL Home Phone.

IPND Listing

Integrated Public Number Database (IPND)

The IPND is a centralised database that contains the record of each phone number issued to telco customers in Australia. We are required by law to supply your name, address, phone number and other public number customer data to the operator of the IPND. This applies to all customers, including those unlisted (also known as silent numbers).

Having an unlisted number means that your number will not be listed in directories such as the White Pages and won’t be disclosed through directory assistance services.

The information in the IPND is only provided for an approved purpose to approved data users such as directory information organisations (except for unlisted numbers), emergency service organisations or law enforcement agencies.

Has your contact information changed recently?

If your contact information changes, contact us so that we can update the IPND. Incorrect information in the IPND can, for example, delay emergency responses or compromise law enforcement and national security agency investigations.

nbn®, nbn co and other nbn logos and brands are trade marks of nbn co limited and used under licence.

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