Prepare your meals the night before
Let's face it, we've all been guilty of making multiple trips to the fridge, only to find out that the magical food fairy hasn't stopped by. When you're home all day, it can be tempting to snack and spend time preparing a home-cooked meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However opening and closing the fridge, prepping and cooking can cost you time and cause a spike in your energy consumption in more ways than one!
Don't use your precious minutes making your food from scratch at every meal break – instead, cook the night before and consider cooking in bulk so that you have plenty of leftovers to freeze for another mealtime.
Preparing your meals the night before also ensures you can be more productive at meal breaks, allowing you to spend more time creating a healthy work-from-home routine. You can use the time you'd spend at the stove instead of going for a walk, reading, starting a new hobby like learning Spanish, or even just making a phone call to a friend.