How do solar panels and batteries work together?
There are a number of components that make up a home solar system. First, you have your solar panels, which feed energy into an inverter. The energy then travels through a switchboard where it’s directed to the appliances in your home.
When the sun isn’t shining, the grid steps in to keep your power running. If you’re generating more solar energy than you need, that energy will go back into the grid and you’ll receive a solar feed-in tariff (FiT) as a credit on your bill.
But if you’ve installed a battery solar system, the switchboard directs any excess solar energy you are generating to the battery – charging it up for later use. When the sun goes down or you’re using more energy than your panels produce, your battery’s stored energy will power your appliances. And if your battery is empty, the grid will lend a helping hand.
Here’s an example of how an AC-coupled battery system works, involving a battery being added to an existing solar system.