nbn® internet speeds
Learn more about your nbn internet and download speeds.
Learn more about your nbn internet and download speeds.
Getting the right nbn speed for your household can make all the difference. Consider how many people will be using the internet at the same time, the type of activities it’s used for and how much you want to spend on an nbn plan.
With a choice of nbn plans, AGL offers something for everyone, from individuals to larger families with multiple people working from home.
Great for smaller households that need an internet connection to cover the basics. 25 Mbps typical busy period download speeds.
Great for more remote properties with fixed wireless connections.
Great for medium-sized households with a few internet users online at the same time. 49 Mbps typical busy period download speeds.
Great for larger households or those looking to stream high-quality video. 100 Mbps typical busy period download speeds.
Great for multiple users and those looking for faster internet speeds. Typical busy period download speeds will be confirmed when data is available.
Great for power users and those looking for the fastest speeds. Typical busy period download speeds will be confirmed when data is available.
With each plan you’ll see a typical busy period download speed. These are a guide to how fast your plan might be during busier times on the network (7-11 pm). They’re based on past measurements across a range of locations and connection technologies so there may be times when your connection won’t achieve these speeds. Typical download speeds may increase or decrease over time and aren’t guaranteed minimum speeds.
The speed of your internet connection depends on a number of factors including:
AGL internet connections are available in a range of different speed tiers. Compare our internet plans now or read the finer details in the Key Facts Sheet (fixed line) or Key Facts Sheet (fixed wireless).
Internet speeds can be affected by the type of nbn connection to your home. If you have Fibre to the Node (FTTN), Fibre to the Building (FTTB) or Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) technology and your line can’t deliver the speed set out in your plan, we’ll let you know. We’ll discuss what speeds are appropriate for your line, and you’ll be able to switch to a lower speed plan at a lower price or cancel your plan at no extra cost. You’ll just need to pay out any modem costs in full if you choose to leave us.
Interested in finding out how fast your nbn speed is right now? Connect your modem directly to your computer with an ethernet cable. Then, run a speed test at speedtest.net, to see what your download and upload speeds are like during peak and off-peak periods.
nbn®, nbn co and other nbn logos and brands are trade marks of nbn co limited and used under licence.