By providing your payment method details to us (AGL) you accept and understand that these terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) apply to your requested and authorised payment method via SMS (stored payment method), and, where applicable, you are also setting up a Direct Debit Request and Services Agreement (Direct Debit Arrangement). By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you authorise your financial institution (or any other payment service provider) and AGL (User ID’s 348045 AGL Sales Pty Limited, 348041 AGL South Australia Pty Ltd, 373578 AGL Retail Energy Limited, 23237282 AGL Energy Limited, 23237324 AGL Energy Limited, 23426448 AGL Retail Energy Ltd, 23836422 AGL Energy Sales Ltd, 23836414 AGL Sales Qld PL, 23836406 AGL Direct Debit Credit Card, 409321 AGL Energy Sales & Marketing Limited, 409312 AGL Sales (Queensland Electricity) Pty Limited and 409310 AGL Sales (Queensland Electricity) Pty Limited) to arrange for funds to be debited from your relevant account in payment of amounts you authorise, by using your stored payment method in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
You should contact your financial institution or any other payment service provider if you are uncertain about providing your payment authority to us.