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We’ve updated our terms and conditions for payments, effective 18 May 2020. Here’s a summary of the changes:

Terms and Conditions


Direct debit and SMS Pay

  • We may keep processing your payments after the expiry date on your card if you accept the terms and conditions
  • We’ll store your payment details so they can be used for payment of other AGL products and services as requested/authorised by you
  • We’ve added some extra terms to comply with the government’s bulk electronic clearing system (BECS) regulations.

Bill Smoothing

  • To be eligible, any debt you have with us must be under $500
  • We’ll review your payment arrangement twice a year
  • We’ll cancel your payment arrangement when you notify us that you’re moving out.

Stored payment method

  • We may keep processing your payments after the expiry date on your card if you accept the terms and conditions
  • We’ll collect, store and use your payment method for payment of other AGL products and services as requested/authorised by you until you advise us of any changes
  • You can add, update or remove your stored payment method at any time on My Account or by calling us.

Terms and conditions in full

You can see the payment terms and conditions in full on the following pages:

We’re here if you need our help

If you have any questions about these changes, contact us anytime.