Suppliers and contractors

Partners in creating value

Our suppliers and contractors are our partners. They have a critical role in creating value for our customers and supporting our operations.

Supplier expectations

We expect all suppliers to read our code of conduct and meet high standards of ethics and social responsibility.

We also require suppliers to comply with our Supplier Generative AI Standard when delivering work for AGL.

AGL supplier code of conduct (PDF)

AGL Supplier Generative AI Standard (PDF)

Payments and Purchase Orders

Make invoice payments

To ensure suppliers are paid on time, all invoices must be sent directly to


Invoices for AGL’s Sustainable Energy Business Solutions (SBES) team must be sent to


Sending invoices to any other email address may delay payment.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Most purchase orders are issued in accordance with AGL’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (PDF).

The purchase order, terms and conditions and any other documents incorporated by reference in those documents form the agreement with AGL.

If AGL and a supplier have entered into a separate contract, purchase orders are subject to and are issued in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.

Payment terms

We have two standard payment terms:

Moving house truck icon Moving house truck icon

Small businesses

Paid 30 days after we receive the invoice.

Large business building Large business building

All other suppliers

Paid 32 days after the end of month in which we receive the invoice.

Supplier diversity

AGL is committed to supplier diversity by supporting local businesses in the areas in which we operate and businesses owned by minority groups.

As part of our vision for reconciliation, we have a committed procurement spend on First Nations owned businesses in our Reconciliation Action Plan.

We're also active members of social procurement industry bodies including Supply Nation, NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce, Kinaway and Social Traders.


Our contractor portal provides general Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) information to current and future contractors who will be supplying general services to AGL. Additional site specific HSE information and requirements will be made available upon request from relevant AGL personnel during the contractor selection and engagement process, as well as during site premobilisation.

The contractor engagement process

The process to partner and work with us, from project start to finish.

Number 1 icon
Specification and scope development
Number 2 icon
Tender and contractor selection
Number 3 icon
Contractor onboarding and mobilisation
Number 4 icon
Works execution and management
Number 5 icon
Contract review and close out

HSE Prequalification System

All suppliers entering into a contract with us to provide services on AGL sites or customer locations must complete HSE Prequalification through the CM3 Prequalification system. The prequalification process takes around 10 working days.

Other suppliers may also be requested to complete prequalification, based upon the scope or risk of the required services or supply.

Cm3 Contractor Management Software & Compliance Solutions

Contractor standards and procedures

Our HSE standards and procedures specify the minimum standard for contractor HSE Management on all AGL operational sites and locations. Please contact your AGL representative for further information if required.

Find our commitment to HSE in our Health, Safety and Environment Policy (PDF).

Authority to mobilise

The Authority to Mobilise (ATM) is a pre-mobilisation check that must be completed by suppliers that provide services on AGL sites or customer locations. Suppliers must complete and submit an ATM form with all requested information to their nominated AGL Contract Representative for review and approval, before attending AGL sites or customer locations.

Section 2 is an authority to commence work and will be completed with the AGL Representative on site before commencing work.

Some service providers, such as delivery drivers or couriers are not required to complete an ATM (excluding the transfer of bulk chemicals and some large plant). If you have questions, contact your AGL Contract Representative.

Authority to Mobilise form (PDF)

AGL Critical Control Checks

Critical Control Checks are in-field observations conducted by AGL leaders to provide assurance that critical safety and environmental aspects of high-risk tasks are in place.

Lifesaving Rules

The AGL Lifesaving rules have been developed as a set of non-negotiables for personnel working on AGL sites.

AGL Lifesaving rules are designed to keep people safe, and failure to comply with a lifesaving rule at any time may result in action including suspension or banning from site.

AGL Lifesaving rules (PDF)

Learn more about AGL