AGL has provided detailed feedback in response to a number of recommendations in the AEMC’s Draft Report which aims to accelerate the installation of smart meters in the NECF jurisdiction.
AGL has provided detailed feedback in response to a number of recommendations in the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) Draft Report which aims to accelerate the installation of smart meters in the National Energy Customer Framework jurisdiction.
AGL has long been a proponent of a competitive, customer-driven smart meter deployment process where demand for smart meters reflects the forces of the competitive market to avoid the inflated and disproportionately high costs of the Victorian smart meter roll out of the 2000s. This was the main rationale driving the AEMC’s initial Power of Choice reforms where retailers were handed over the responsibility to install smart meters in customers’ homes and businesses.
AGL has an industry-leading smart meter program with our customers in SA, QLD and NSW being entitled to a smart meter:
- As part of our retailer-initiated smart meter roll out with notice and information of the prospective exchange provided.
- When a solar system is installed at the site.
- In the event of a meter malfunction with a basic meter, we will upgrade to a smart meter.
- For all new connections (such as when building a new home).
- If you wish to participate in AGL’s innovative product offerings.
- Simply if you ask us to upgrade your basic meter to a smart meter.
In its Draft Report, the AEMC is proposing to implement a regulated target data of 2030 for universal penetration of smart meters by utilising one of the four proposed acceleration mechanisms: DNSP-led Legacy meter retirement plan, Legacy Meter Retirement Plan through Rules or Guidelines, Retailer Target or MC Target. AGL maintains that improvements to the framework that focus on reducing operational and regulatory barriers are sufficient for deployment to organically accelerate and we encourage the AEMC to focus on these reforms.
The Draft Report contemplates over a dozen recommendations for reform of the regulatory framework for metering services to which AGL has provided its detailed response here.