AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) consultation paper on unlocking the benefits of consumer energy resources (CER) through the introduction of flexible trading.
We recommended that the AEMC utilise the work delivered by the Energy Security Board in their Customer Insights Collaboration Release One. ‘Flexibility’ is a new concept that is not well understood by consumers at either a product or service level, or how it fits into the broader changes underway in the energy system.
However, we do know that trust around benefits sharing and in relation to delegating and/or retaining control is an important barrier to address. A criticism that continues to be relayed to the sector is that the energy market is overly complex for customers to navigate. The clear message from Release One of the Collaboration is that to unlock the benefits of flexible CER and energy use and achieve the ambitions of the reforms for markets for CER, we need to meet consumers ‘where they are’.
Read the full submission here.