Requesting access to your metering data

Accessing your metering data

You can access your metering data by completing the ‘single metering data request’ or the ‘multiple metering data request’ form below. This will allow you to check your electricity usage and make more informed decisions about new products and services.

* For customers in Victoria, who would like to request gas meter data, please contact us to make this request.

Customers who are no longer with AGL but were for a period within the last 2 years may also request for us to provide their metering data. This service may be subject to a charge.

We’ll ensure due diligence is applied in the processes of verifying customers and providing metering data, consistent with the Privacy Act 1988.

If you are a customer authorised representative requesting access to metering data on behalf of a customer, please go to the customer authorised representative section.

Single metering data request

You need to be an authorised contact person on the account in order to lodge your request.

If the ‘requestor’ is not an authorised contact person on the account, in addition to lodging your request, they will also need to submit a completed and signed consent form (pdf) and email it to

Complete the details below to request access to your metering data for one supply address.

Your Account number and NMI are located on your electricity bill.

^*Types of Data

Metering data recorded over short intervals such as 5 min. Typically meters are manually probed: premise visited to read/‘probe’ the meter or remote read where the meter communicates back to the electricity supplier. These meters typically enable Time of Use (TOU) tariffs, where the charge for electricity consumption is according to the time it is used.

The most common type of meter is the 'accumulation meter'. It records energy consumption over time. Consumer premises are visited regularly to read the meters and assess how much power has been used in a billing period.

More information

Please complete the Metering Data Bulk Request spreadsheet and email the request to

If the ‘requestor’ is not an authorised contact person on the account, they will need to submit a completed and signed consent form (pdf) (for each customer whose metering data is requested) and email it to with the Metering Data Bulk Requests spreadsheet.

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) legislation also enables a customer authorised representative to request the metering data on behalf of the customer. A third party may request access to a customer’s metering data on their behalf.

In addition to submitting the request a customer authorised representative must provide AGL a completed consent form (pdf) signed by the AGL customer authorising them access to the metering data.

If you are a customer authorised representative with more than one request, please complete the Metering Data Bulk Requests spreadsheet and send the request to

We'll aim to get the metering data to you within the following timeframes of receiving valid and complete requests via this web page or for multiple data request by emailing

  • Within 10 business days, for daily requests up to 10 NMIs
  • Within 20 business days, for daily requests of 10-100 NMIs
  • Agreed timeframes, for daily requests >100 NMIs

Learn more about your AGL Interval Metering Data.

We may apply a charge to a customer for providing metering data and may choose to do so in the following instances:

  • If a customer makes more than 4 requests in any 12 month period.
  • If a customer requests the metering data to be in a different manner or format than the industry standard. (Defined by AEMO’s Metering Data Provision Procedures)
  • If a previous customer of AGL requests their metering data for the period that AGL was their retailer, which is limited to a period no greater than 2 years from the date of the request.
  • If a customer authorised representative makes a request for more than one customer’s metering data at the same time* (not applicable to Victorian customers).

*Please note that a customer authorised representative may apply a charge for their services separate to AGL.