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Myth-busting solar power

In this article, we break down five common myths about solar power and get down to the nitty-gritty.

We break down five common myths about solar power and get down to the nitty-gritty.

Myth 1: “Solar is too expensive”

This may be the biggest myth surrounding solar. It’s easy to see how it started; like that first mobile phone carried around in a briefcase, early solar was expensive. But technological improvements and economies of scale mean the costs are now more affordable.

But the initial price tag can still worry people. It shouldn’t. When you do the maths and consider the Federal Government’s Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), feed-in tariffs and the ever-increasing cost of traditional power, solar can help drive long-term savings. There are flexible ways to pay, so you don’t incur large upfront costs.

Myth 2: “Feed-in tariffs don’t save you much money”

Feed-in tariffs are often thrown around as a great reason to get solar. But it can be unclear what they involve.

On a very basic level, feed-in tariffs are your energy provider’s way of buying the excess energy you produce. Any energy you don’t use gets sent back into the grid, which could mean you save money on your energy bill.

The credit you will receive will vary depending on your energy provider and your state.

Myth 3: “Not on my roof”

Some people worry that solar panels will damage their roofs. This is another myth that may have its basis in truth. Getting a cheap solar solution installed by an unaccredited installer could definitely lead to roof damage.

Our team of qualified, CEC-accredited design professionals will ensure your system is designed with safety, quality and durability in mind. Plus, we engage licensed, Clean Energy Council-accredited solar installers who deliver professional, high-quality systems.

Myth 4: “Rebates aren’t worth the hassle”

Actually, they’re simpler than they seem. Firstly, rebates are called Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). However, they often confuse people because they work differently across various states.

When you purchase and install an eligible solar system, you’ll receive a certain amount of STCs. So, when you assign the rights to these STCs to your solar installer, you receive a discount on the price of your solar system.

Now you’re in the know, it’s easy to make the most of STCs – you need to make sure you work with a provider who can talk you through it. They’ll be able to give you the market rate for the STCs based on the state you live in.

Myth 5: “North-facing panels are best”

Traditionally, people installed north-facing panels on their homes and found its maximum output was around lunchtime. As solar panel prices began to fall, people started installing panels on the west and east as solar solutions became affordable.

However, if your main electricity use is early or late in the day, a mixture of different orientations may make sense to maximise production when the sun is in the east or the west. It’s best to work with a solar company that can tailor the best design for your needs.

Keep in mind that panels can be installed across various roof areas.

Interested in solar energy?

Solar can make a big difference to your home energy. Explore how to get started and get the most out of this renewable energy solutions. 

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