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How you can save

Working smarter with the energy you use could create cost savings. 

Close up of a mans hands resting on the keys of a laptop Working smarter with the energy you use could create cost savings

Save through energy efficiency
The bottom line in managing business costs is that you want to save money, while increasing productivity. There are simple steps to working smarter with the energy you use to create cost savings. It starts with choosing the right energy partner.

Embracing energy efficiency means planning, using the tools and expertise of your energy expert, and making smart changes to existing systems. You could see the savings on your energy bills, and know that you’re taking part in building a sustainable business culture.

Two men standing in an empty office, discussing something on a laptop that’s resting on a moving box Choosing AGL is the first step to working smarter with the energy you use to create cost savings

Features and benefits


Get expert help to reduce overall operating costs.


A solution to suit your business.


Take advantage of the latest energy innovations.


Our products can help reduce your impact on the environment.

Did you know?

Is solar for your business?

As well as considering energy efficiency products, why not look to generate your own energy for further savings. Installing solar is another way your business can help reduce its electricity costs and do your bit to promote sustainability with the option to add Carbon Neutral to the solar system.

Our dedicated business solar experts help you create the solar system that best suits your needs. Your tailored solution is based on your electricity spend and usage. We’ll also help you manage all required approvals, connection of the solar system to the grid network, and applications for available rebates and feed-in tariffs.

Birdseye view of large scale rooftop solar panels on aq commercial building