AGL's response to consultation on draft Interim Reliability RRO Trigger rules

AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation on the Interim Reliability Measure amendment to the RRO Trigger.

AGL Supports the deferment of the initially proposed changes to decouple the T-3 instrument from the T-1 instrument RRO. We agree that the need for any significant change to the RRO mechanism should be carefully considered given any proposed reforms arising from the NEM 2025 review.

With the decision by State and Commonwealth Energy ministers, we acknowledge the RRO trigger must be amended to incorporate the IRM within a reasonable timeframe. However, in light of the 2020 ESOO NSW forecasts, the transitional rules must ensure AEMO is provided with the additional time required to reassess the initial reliability forecast given the material change in committed generation availability in NSW.

Read the full submission here.