Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area Proposal: Pacific Ocean off Hunter

AGL Energy (AGL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on DCCEEW’s Offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposal paper for Pacific Ocean off Hunter.

Getting the settings right for a successful offshore renewable energy industry

We are very supportive of the of the Government putting the settings in place for a second offshore renewable energy infrastructure area, this time in the Pacific Ocean off Hunter (NSW). In our submission we urge the government to take into account a number of considerations aimed at setting up a successful, competitive offshore wind industry while continuing to support other lower cost technologies so that decarbonisation of the grid can be achieved at lowest cost.  

Government can aid industry development by removing key barriers, by supporting new entrants in their pathway to market, facilitating and clarifying approvals processes, the sharing of key infrastructure such as transmission and ports and clearly delineating the roles of state and federal government in the development of an industry that will span state and commonwealth waters including transmission planning, funding and approvals processes.   

A copy of AGL’s submission to the Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area Proposal: Pacific Ocean off Hunter consultation is available here.