AGL responds to the review of CER technical standards draft report

AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s (AEMC) draft report on compliance with, and enforcement of, consumer energy resources (CER) technical standards in the National Electricity Rules.

The draft recommendations by the AEMC are aiming to improve compliance with the technical standards for CER devices such as rooftop PV, battery energy storage systems, and electric vehicles. However, our submission urges the final report to be more comprehensive in detailing in how compliance will be uplifted with existing devices. As well as governance arrangements that support the development and implementation of new technical standards.

Improved compliance will result in CER device owning consumers gaining greater benefits from their devices as well as enabling more consumers to connect new CER devices. This supports the security and reliability of power supply. It is also an important avenue for the energy sector to reduce emissions and contribute towards government commitments for Australia to achieve net zero.

You can read our submission here