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AGL in the Hunter Region

Proudly helping power New South Wales as part of the Hunter Valley community.

Sunset view of the Bayswater Power Station with steam rising from the cooling towers.

At a glance

On the lands of the Wonnarua/Wanaruah People in the Hunter Valley, we’re proudly part of a community and region that has powered New South Wales for decades.

Our now retired Liddell Power Station generated electricity for over 50 years, while neighbouring Bayswater Power Station meets 20% of the state’s electricity demand.

Two men in hi-vis hardhats talking with the cooling towers in the background.
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10,000 hectares

Our Bayswater and Liddell landholding is 10,000 hectares.

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1000 people

Around 500 employees and 500 contractors keep Bayswater running.

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2 million homes

Bayswater generates enough electricity for approximately 2 million average Australian homes.

Our assets

As the Hunter Region diversifies, we’re investing in renewable energy projects and transforming the Liddell and Bayswater site into the Hunter Energy Hub.

Bayswater Power Station

Commissioned in 1985, Bayswater is a coal-fired power station with a capacity of 2,715 megawatts. Four evaporative cooling towers stand out as the site's most distinctive feature.

Through our flexible operations program, we’ve successfully lowered the minimum generation at Bayswater to better adapt to changing market conditions. Flexibility upgrades have allowed us to avoid approximately 180,000 tCO2e of greenhouse gas emissions in FY24.

Bayswater is scheduled to close between 2030 and 2033, in line with our Climate Transition Action Plan (PDF).

An aerial view of the Bayswater Power Station on a sunny day with cooling towers emitting steam.

15,000 GWh

Bayswater produces around 15,000 gigawatt hours of electricity a year.

132 metres high

Bayswater’s four evaporative cooling towers are 132 metres high.

Closing 2030 to 2033

This coal-fired power station is scheduled to close between 2030 and 2033.

Liddell Power Station

For many years our 2000MW Liddell Power Station was the backbone of the New South Wales electricity system. Following its closure in April 2023, we’re preparing Liddell to become part of our integrated Hunter Energy Hub.

Demolition is expected to commence in early 2025, with our intention being to recycle over 90% of Liddell’s materials in the decommissioning and demolition process (PDF).

Liddell transition documents 

Employee support through Liddell’s closure (PDF)

Rehabilitation of the Liddell Ash Dam (PDF)

Hunter Energy Hub

In the years ahead, we’ll be transforming our Liddell and Bayswater site into our first integrated energy hub.

Repurposing existing assets and infrastructure including land, water, transport links and grid connectivity, the Hunter Hub will bring together co-located industries that can make a positive contribution to the energy transition and create economic opportunities for the local community.

Discover the Hunter Hub

Local job opportunities

Keep an eye out for employment and training opportunities across our Bayswater Power Station, Hunter Energy Hub and renewable energy projects.

Community and environment information

We understand the importance of contributing to the growth and diversity of our community, and managing our impact on the environment where we do business.

Project documents and approvals

Project overview and purpose

The purpose of the Project is to improve the management of ancillary processes over the remaining operating life of Bayswater Power Station and to facilitate an improved rehabilitation outcome for the ash disposal area involving:

  • Optimising and improving ash management including augmenting the existing ash disposal area, replacing the Ravensworth ash transfer pipeline and increasing the capacity of the existing ash harvesting and recycling facilities.

  • Creation of a salt cake disposal landfill to complete the alternative process for managing water impurities and reduce the reliance on the Hunter River Salinity Trading Scheme.

  • Improvements to water management around the coal handling plant area.

The Project will include the following elements.

Stage 1 – Commencing August 2022
  • Construction and operation of a new coal ash pipeline to Ravensworth Void No. 3 for ash emplacement (Ravensworth ash line)

Stage 2 – Commencement to be advised
  • Augmentation of the existing Bayswater Ash Dam (BWAD) to provide additional ash storage capacity (Ash Dam augmentation)

  • Improvements to water management structures and systems to ensure continued collection and reuse of process water and return waters from the BWAD (Ash Dam augmentation)

  • Improvements to the management of water and waste materials within the coal handling plant (CHP) sediment basin and associated drainage system (Coal handling plant upgrades)

  • Increasing coal ash recycling activities to produce up to 1,000,000 tonnes per annum of ash derived product material and reuse of coal ash (Ash harvesting upgrades)

  • Upgrades to existing fly ash harvesting infrastructure including the installation of weighbridges, construction of a new 240 tonne silo, tanker wash facility and additional truck parking (Ash harvesting upgrades)

  • Construction and operation of a salt cake landfill facility to dispose of salt cake waste from the approved salt caking plant to be constructed at the Bayswater water treatment plant (Salt cake landfill)

  • Construction and operation of borrow pits on AGL land to facilitate the improvements proposed for the Project and other works on AGL land (Borrow Pits 1 to 4)

  • Ancillary infrastructure works including repositioning of underground pipelines to above ground, replacement or upgrading of ageing pipelines, vegetation clearing associated with maintaining existing infrastructure, including along existing pipeline corridors as is necessary (HP Pipe clearing, and LSP Pipe clearing).

Project contact


Environmental Impact Statement

Statutory Approvals

Complaints registers

Water monitoring reports

Stage 1 plans - Ravensworth Ashline Replacement


EPBC Compliance Report


Liddell Battery and Bayswater Ancillary Works

To find documents relating to the Liddell battery and Bayswater Ancillary Works, visit Liddell Battery

Community enquiries and complaints

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AGL Community Complaints & Enquiries,
Locked Bag 14120 MCMC,
Melbourne VIC 8001