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Liddell Battery

The Liddell Battery is a 500 MW, two-hour duration, grid scale battery being constructed at the former Liddell Power Station site.

Rendered image of what Liddell battery could look like

About the project

The Liddell Battery is a 500 MW, two-hour duration, grid scale battery to be located on the former Liddell Power Station site at AGL Macquarie

Construction work for the battery has commenced in June 2024, with the commencement of operations targeted for December 2025. Significant targets have been set around the employment of apprentices, local procurement – including 95% of steel being sourced locally - and working with First Nations businesses. At the peak of construction more than 150 workers will be involved in the project. 

The total construction cost is estimated to be approximately $750 million. Fluence has been selected as the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor. Connection Agreements have been signed with Transgrid to construct and operate 330/33kV battery substation and ~450mtrs of 330kV overhead transmission line and an extension to the existing 330kV switch yard.

The project will be supported by both a $35 million grant awarded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of its Advancing Renewables Program and a Long-Term Energy Service Agreement (LTESA), arranged by AEMO Services on behalf of the NSW Government.

This will be the first new development to be built as part of our Hunter Energy Hub after Liddell was safely and respectfully retired in April 2023.

Project overview and purpose

AGL is progressing plans to facilitate the efficient, safe and reliable continuation of electricity generating works from Bayswater and the Liddell site. The Project consists of the following stages:

Stage 1 - Completed January 2024

  • Decoupling works: Alternative network connection arrangements for the Liddell 33 kilovolt (kV) switching station that provides electricity to infrastructure required for the ongoing operation of Bayswater and associated ancillary infrastructure and potential third-party industrial energy users. More information.

Stage 2 - Commenced October 2023

  • The Battery: A grid connected Battery Energy Storage System with capacity of up to 500 MW and 2 GWh
  • Bayswater Ancillary Works (BAW): Works associated with the ongoing operation of Bayswater which includes (but is not limited to), upgrades to ancillary infrastructure such as pumps, pipelines, conveyor systems, roads and assets to enable maintenance, repairs, replacement, expansion or demolition. More information.
  • Consolidated consents: A modern consolidated consent for the continued operation of Bayswater through the voluntary surrender and consolidation into this application of various existing development approvals required for the ongoing operation of AGLM assets.
  • Demolition: Removal of redundant solar thermal plant infrastructure was completed December 2023.

Project documents

Statutory Approvals

Stage 1 Plans - Liddell Decoupling Works

Stage 2 - Liddell Battery
Statutory approvals


Statutory compliance

Stage 3 - Bayswater Ancillary Works

Statutory approvals


Knowledge Sharing

The project will be supported by both a $35 million grant awarded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of its Advancing Renewables Program and a Long-Term Energy Service Agreement (LTESA), arranged by AEMO Services on behalf of the NSW Government.

Community complaints and enquiries

AGL understands that we don’t always get it right, and we want to be informed when we don’t. If you would like to provide any feedback, good or bad, or simply ask some questions, please feel free to get in touch via the following channels:

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Complaints and Enquiries Hotline

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AGL Community Complaints & Enquiries,
Locked Bag 14120 MCMC,
Melbourne VIC 8001

Learn more  about how we handle general customer complaints on our complaints page.