AER Consumer protections for future energy services
The Australian Energy Regulator explores three potential reform pathways for the National Energy Customer Framework consumer protections and licensing regime.
AGL Submission to Federal Treasury's CDR Rule Maintenance Consultation
AGL has made a submission to Federal Treasury on their Rule Maintenance Consultation.
Energy Security Board Transmission Access Reform Directions Paper
AGL has made a submission in response to the Energy Security Board Transmission Access Reform Directions Paper.
Australian Energy Regulator Ringfencing Draft Guidelines
AGL has made a submission in response to the Australian Energy Regulator Ringfencing Draft Guidelines.
AGL comments on the ESB's Directions Paper on Interoperability Policy
AGL has provided a response to the Energy Security Board’s Directions Paper on Interoperability Policy.
ESC Unaccounted for Gas Benchmarks 2022 Review
AGL responded to the Essential Services Commission’s Unaccounted for Gas Benchmarks 2022 Review Draft Determination.
AGL Responds to National Energy Transition Authority Bill 2022
AGL has contributed a response to the National Energy Transition Authority Bill 2022 inquiry.
AGL Responds to the Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 Issues Paper
AGL has contributed a response to the Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 Issues Paper.
AER Better Bills Guideline Version 2
AGL supports the Australian Energy Regulator’s proposed changes for the next iteration of the Better Bills Guideline
Operational Security Mechanism draft determination
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Operational Security Mechanism draft determination.
AGL Supports the OECC's Energy Savings Scheme Rule Change
The Office of Energy and Climate change is expanding the NSW Energy Savings Scheme to include fuel switching activities.
AGL responds to the AEMC’s Review of CER technical standards consultation paper
As a leader in CER, AGL is actively interested in bringing the consumers’ view and interests into the development of a range of policies, regulations, and technical standards applicable to CER.
AGL Responds to EnergyCo’s draft NSW Network Infrastructure Strategy
AGL has contributed a response to the NSW Network Infrastructure Strategy.
AGL responds to the National EV Strategy Consultation Paper
AGL welcomes the introduction of a National EV Strategy and its focus on the uptake of EVs as part of Australia’s decarbonisation ambitions.
AGL Responds to NSW EPA Draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan
AGL has contributed a response to the NSW EPA Draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan.
Transmission Planning & Investment Review Stage 3
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission Transmission planning and investment review Stage 3 consultation paper.
AGL comments on the AER’s Network Tariffs for the Distributed Energy Resource Future exploratory paper
The AER’s paper is designed to facilitate discussion on the future direction of network tariffs for batteries in the context of ongoing tariff reform.
AGL responds to the Queensland Emergency Backstop Mechanism Consultation
Energy Queensland is proposing to introduce a mechanism that can curtail the output of inverters such as rooftop solar PV systems in emergency situations.
AGL responds to updates to the Consumer Data Right Privacy Safeguard Guidelines
AGL has provided a response to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s consultation on draft updates to the CDR Privacy Safeguard Guidelines.
Draft regulatory amendments to extend AEMO’s functions and powers to manage gas supply adequacy Pt 1 & 2
AGL appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the Extension of AEMO Functions and Powers to manage supply adequacy in the East Coast Gas Market consultation paper.
AGL Response to Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area proposal (Bass Straight off Gippsland)
AGL has contributed a submission for the offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposed by the Commonwealth government for the Bass Strait off Gippsland.
Incentivising and measuring export service performance – Consultation Paper
AGL has provided a response to the Australian Energy Regulator’s consultation paper on how to incentivise and measure export service performance.
Proposed combined audit process for PRDRS and ESS Scheme Participants
AGL has responded to IPART’s proposal to combine the PDRS and ESS audits
Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report consultation paper
AGL has made a submission to the 2023 Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report consultation.
AGL Response to Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units
AGL has made a submission to the Independent Review of Australian Carbon Credit Units 2022
Safeguard Mechanism reform consultation
AGL has made a submission to the 2022 Safeguard Mechanism Reforms
AER's Connection Charge Guideline Review - static zero limits for micro embedded generators
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Issue Paper on their Connection Charge Guideline Review: static zero limits for micro embedded generators.
AGL comments on proposed Retailer Reliability Obligation T-1 instrument for SA January to March 2024
AGL has responded to AEMO's request for the AER to make a T-1 reliability instrument for SA, for the period January – March 2024. AGL's view is that the reliability instrument should not be made.
GreenPower Program Review Consultation
AGL has made a submission to the 2022 National GreenPower Accreditation Program Review
AGL joint submission on the Material change in network infrastructure project costs
AG L has made a joint submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Material Change in Network Infrastructure Project Costs draft rule determination.
AGL submission on the Amending the administered price cap rule change
AGL has made a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission amending the administered price cap rule change.
AGL supports the proposed amendment of the MASS to incorporate very fast frequency control ancillary services
AGL has responded to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Draft Determination to amend the Market Ancillary Service Specification, introducing the very fast frequency control ancillary services markets.
ESB Data Strategy Initial Reforms Consultation Paper
AGL has responded to the Energy Security Board’s Data Strategy Initial Reforms Consultation Paper.
ESB Electric Vehicle Smart Charging Issues Paper
AGL supports a coordinated industry approach to developing technical standards for smart EV charging, it is too early to introduce such standards in Australia.
AGL submission on recovering the cost of AEMO participant fees from TNSPs
AGL has provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Recovering the cost of AEMO’s participant fees directions paper.
AGL submission on Transmission planning and investment review contestability options paper
AGL has provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission Transmission Planning and Investment review contestability options paper.
Victorian Transmission Investment Framework (VTIF) Preliminary Design Consultation Paper
AGL has responded to the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation paper and the Options Paper: Access for Victorian REZ's.
AGL submission on Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone draft declaration
AGL has provided a submission to the NSW Government Office of Energy and Climate Change Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone Draft Access declaration.
Protecting customers affected by family violence - Draft Determination
AGL has recently responded to the Australian Energy Market Commission’s Draft Determination on ‘Protecting customers affected by family violence’
Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) consultations on Hot Water and Heating & Cooling activities
AGL submissions on VEU consultations on replacing gas or old electricity hot water and cooling with more efficient electricity appliances.
ESB capacity mechanism high-level design
AGL has made a submission to the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) consultation paper on a high-level capacity mechanism for the NEM.
DELWP Voltage Management: Consultation Paper
AGL submission to the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Consultation Paper on Voltage Management in the Victorian Electricity Distribution Networks
AGL submission on AEMC and AEMO Inertia joint paper
AGL has provided a response to the AEMC and AEMO joint paper on the efficient provision of inertia in the NEM.
AGL submission on Transmission planning and investment review
AGL has provided a response to the AEMC Transmission Planning & Investment Review stage 2 draft report.
Victorian Energy Upgrades – Project-Based Activities Issues Paper
AGL submission to Victorian Energy Upgrades Project-Based Activities (PBA) Issues Paper.
AGL Energy Customer Council Open Letter
An open letter from the AGL Energy Customer Council about the future of the energy transition.
AGL submission on Long Term Energy Service Agreements
AGL has provided feedback on the Long Term Energy Service Agreements draft term sheets which are a key aspect of the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap.
AER Retailer Authorisation and Exemption Review
AGL responds to the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Retailer Authorisation and Exemption Issues Paper.
Transmission Access Reform Consultation Paper
AGL has recently responded to the Energy Security Board’s Transmission Access Reform Consultation Paper as part of the Transmission and Access work stream.
AGL Supports the NSW Peak Demand Reduction Scheme
AGL has recently responded to the NSW Government’s proposed Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (Rule 1) Consultation.
AGL supports regulatory sandboxing for Victorian energy consumers
AGL submission supporting regulatory sandboxing for Victorian energy consumers
AGL responds to proposal to include Home Energy Rating Assessment into the VEU
AGL submission supporting the inclusion of Home energy audits in the Victorian energy Upgrade scheme
No junk mail please: why customers need to know about dynamic operating envelopes
With networks introducing dynamic operating envelopes to mediate customers' access to the grid, we explore the need for a customer-centric regulatory design.
AGL submission to the ESC in relation to its Draft Decision on the Victorian Default Offer for 2022-23
AGL has made a submission to the Essential Services Commission in relation to its Draft Decision on the Victorian Default Offer for 2022-23.
AGL submission to the Federal Treasury CDR telco Design Paper
AGL provides feedback on the Federal Treasury Consumer Data Right in the Telecommunications Sector: CDR rules and standards Design Paper.
AEMO Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan Addendum
Read AGL’s submission to AEMO’s Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan Addendum.
AGL supports the proposed changes to the WA Gas Marketing Code of Conduct
AGL has responded to the Gas Marketing Code Consultative Committee supporting the proposed changes to the Gas Marketing Code of Conduct.
AGL responds to AER’s Draft Determination on Default Market Offer prices for 2022-23
Read AGL’s submission to AER’s Draft Determination on Default Market Offer prices.
ESC Energy Retail Licence Review
AGL responded to the Essential Services Commission’s Energy Retail Licence Review.
AGL welcomes the opportunity to comment on the AER’s draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy
The Australian Energy Regulator has released its draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy which sets out objectives, outcomes and actions items to address key challenges in the energy system for customers experiencing vulnerable circumstances.
ACCC proposes to revise the Broadband Speed Claims Industry Guidance
AGL has recently responded to the ACCC’s proposed amendments to the Broadband Speed Claims Industry Guidance.
Supporting the adoption of electronic invoicing
AGL has responded to the Treasury’s Consultation Paper on Supporting the adoption of electronic invoicing in Australia.
Accelerating the roll out of smart meters in South Australia
The South Australian Government is consulting on options to accelerate the adoption of smart meters in South Australia.
Protecting customers affected by Family Violence
AGL responds to the latest rule change request to the Australian Energy Market Commission proposing to introduce a regulated family violence framework in NECF.
AGL recommends suite of actions to promote innovation for NSW energy customers
Read AGL’ formal submission to The NSW Government Department of Planning Industry and Environment’s consultation on developing solutions to barriers customers and businesses face in the energy sector transition.
AGL recommends SA streamline licensing framework to support innovation
Read AGL’s formal submission to the South Australian Government’s review of its licensing requirements under the Electricity Act 1996 for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and system control functions in light of the evolving electricity market.
Energy Security Board capacity market initiation paper
Read AGL’s submission to the ESB’s Initiation Paper that outlines further design work on the proposal for a capacity mechanism in the NEM.
AGL Response to AEMO’s draft Integrated System Plan 2022
Read AGL’s response to AEMO’s Draft Integrated System Plan.
AGL urges customer centric approach in national interoperability policy
AGL provides a range of recommendations on an assessment framework by the Energy Security Board as part of their delivering of the Post 2025 DER Implementation Plan.
AGL provides feedback to the AER draft Better Bills Guideline
AGL has recently responded to the Australia Energy Regulator (AER) draft Better Bills Guideline consultation.
AGL supports ESB’s Customer Insights Collaboration
In response to the ESB's Customer Insights Collaboration, AGL has made a formal submission, elaborating a range of insights recommended for consideration.
AGL submission on the Congestion Management Model
In a submission to the Energy Security Board, AGL expressed concern regarding the proposed Congestion Management Model, and queried whether a change to the current open access regime is needed.
Energy Retail Code of Practice – Final Decision
AGL provided feedback to the Essential Service Commission on the recent Energy Retail Code of Practice Final Decision. Read the submission here.